A Post & Beam Hidden Treasure

Southern Ontario is a treasure trove of early architecture for those inclined to history. And it is the abundance of its various histories represented in visual architectural form that adds to its interest and beauty. In my expeditions through the countryside and towns I always spare an eye for the homes of our past. [...]

By |2018-01-26T13:42:32-05:00August 21st, 2017|post & beam house, Vintage Homes|Comments Off on A Post & Beam Hidden Treasure

Mrs. Harrop Builds a House

Someone advised me to see an elderly lady in the hospital in Lindsey, I forget just who now. All I was told was that she was very interested in history and antiques and wanted to share something with me. I did go to see her and I’m glad I did. She was supposedly gravely ill [...]

By |2017-08-28T09:28:24-04:00August 14th, 2017|post & beam house, Vintage Homes|Comments Off on Mrs. Harrop Builds a House

Log House Saved From the Burn Pile

I just love things old. Houses, furniture, things with history, beauty, character and that patina that comes with the bestowal of nature’s slow grace. It was this love that led me, long ago, to a simple cottage in the woods that seemed to have the potential for something beautiful to be created. A clear stream meandering [...]

By |2018-01-26T13:47:10-05:00July 6th, 2017|log homes, Vintage Homes|0 Comments
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